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Speech Parents Night

WRITTEN BY Sheila Hoesing ON March 02, 2023

Wausa Community Speech Night

The events will be occurring simultaneously beginning tonight at 7:00 with a door opening in between each event, in case someone would like to join a room to watch.  We will conclude our night with the group events in the Commons. 

We are asking you to consider making a free will donation to our team as this is an activity that is free of charge to enjoy but does take some funding to run.

Thank you for all that came to see what our team can do and to support these hard working kids.

Mr. & Mrs. Stevens & The Wausa Speech Team


High School English

POI- Emma Story

Humorous Prose- Cade Wakely

Entertainment- Kendall Story (Room Announcer)

Duet- Emma Story and Cade Wakeley

Library Media Center

Room Announcer- Henry Kumm (Extemper)

POI-Braydon Hoesing

Duet- Brady Bloomquist & Colton Baue

Poetry- Braydon Hoesing

Informative- Addison Wynia

Humorous Prose- Braydon Hoesing

High School Art

Room Announcer- Sam Aitken (Extemper)

Serious- Sophia Wilken

Informative-Kilee Thorell

Poetry- Sophia Wilken

Duet- Cody Bloomquist and Gaven Nipp

FCS Room

Room Announcer- Joe Johnson (Extemper)

Entertainment- Holly Jonhson

Informative- Ainsley Dawson

Serious Prose- Holly Jonhson

Entertainment- Luke Woockman

First Grade

Persuasive-Avery Stevens (Room Announcer)

Humorous- Alijah Nelson

POI-Anya Peters

Poetry- Jessie Anderson

Entertainment- Mackenzie Suhr


OID-Hocus Pocus

Brady Bloomquist, Kilee Thorell, Holly Johnson, Claire Kumm, Colton Baue

OID - How to Kiss a Girl

Avery Stevens, Cody Bloomquist, Gaven Nipp, Taylor Dawson, Kendall Story


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