Dear Viking Families: Many of you may know but the free lunch program being offered by State has ended. They are transitioning all schools back to the normal paid school lunch program. ALL lunches will be full pay starting at the beginning of the school year with the exception of those directly certified thru the state. You would have received a letter from the school beginning of July. If you are unsure please call the school
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN: If you have not received a letter from the school that you have been directly certified by the state for free or reduced lunches and were previously qualified thru direct certification you need to fill out a lunch application to see if you still qualify.
****If you have filled out a lunch application in the past and were approved for free or reduced lunches thru the application you need to fill out one again to see if you qualify for the this school year.
We encourage ALL families to fill one out to see if we can qualify as many families as possible get you the cheaper lunch rates. If you have ANY questions please call the office and speak with Sarah. You can find the lunch letter information and application on this school years school packets page or below. PLEASE get all applications submitted as soon as possible to see if you qualify before the school year starts
ALSO a reminder ALL student pay for any extras or a la carte items regardless of lunch status so ALL lunch account balances must be positive and have a balance to support purchases